Thursday, July 7, 2016

Be a poet

Be a poet they said
Bring your dark words to light
Once I let them escape me
Those words became my life
I began seeing darkness
In every corner it seeped
In every picture sorrow
In every crevice it creeped
Edgar Allen wrote it best
From there I struggle to maintain
That dark forms of poetry
Can sometimes be sane
Blinding and beautiful
Both darkness and light
A never ending dance
In a constant gripping fight
The line between so thin
Makes it easy to relate
You cannot have love
Without the smallest of hate
I see darkness everywhere
But I know there is light
Darkness Is easier to explain
Much more beautiful to write
My lovely words describe pain, Misery, and hate
Lets be honest for a second
To this you can relate
Not all poems can be happy
because life isn't this way
You really can't have happiness
Without a taste of pain

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