Saturday, September 30, 2017

How do you start anew?

So if someone anyone stumbles across this blog that's been on unofficial, official hiatus be happy to know that this is a welcome back post made by me for me and you folks out there that enjoy the ramblings of a young woman trying to make it in this world. I'm not going to go on and on about where I've been and what I've been going through but let me tell you it has been a trip. These are all stories for the future for now I'm just glad to say I've got the drive to come back to this blog. In all reality I have tried blogging with other sites and even through this site. But I know I didn't continue with them because not one of them had as strong of an idea behind it as this one. Let me just say as of lately this blogs title resonates more and more with me each day.  I've tried to get ideas from people but I've come to the conclusion that maybe the best ideas that come from within. Well iooI'll be posting soon I hope you guys keep up.

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