Saturday, October 14, 2017

5 night's at work

This is my 5th, yes folks 5th day at work. I don't think I would mind as much if the pay was better and if the work wasn't so hard for the little pay you receive. Nothing like scrounging yourself up from the bottom.But I cant complain right? I feel like that's gonna become my own personal slogan. I'm tired but I'm making it. What the heck do I do? Awesome question, I'm a third shift stocker and a newer associate so it's all the hard work and barely any money in it. It makes me miss my old job just because the checks used to keep me together. I don't have much to say though just sleepy rumblings mixed with some grumpiness of still not understanding these circumstances but I guess I'll keep taking this one step, one day, and one post at a time. And if anyone out there is reading any of these post please give me an opinion on what you would like to know. Go ahead give your question a chance I may have an answer. That's it for now I am about to enjoy this last 10 minutes. Have a blessed night everyone.

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