Friday, May 2, 2014

Am I a Dramatic Airhead?

So today my mom told me I was a dramatic airhead. I will concede to those but only to an extent. I don't appreciate the term airhead because even of there is just air filling an area the area is still full. And In my unique way of thinking have decided if my head is so full of air then people need it to survive just as they need air so maybe my thoughts are life sustaining. Yeah anything to get out of sounding like I am just devoid of thoughts. But I know I am not. I just zone out and will think about a numerous amount of things and sometimes will miss things that are real and actually taking place around me but my brain and thought process can be way more fun at times then paying attention to random reality. And as for dramatic, I feel as if I have a gift to flare up the mundane around me whether it seems rational or like I'm just a very odd person. I quote Shakespeare, monologues of it in fact, and other great authors such as Edgar Allen Poe and Lewis Carroll and whoever else fits the moment. I quote from movies a lot as Well and have a tendency to tell people to stay golden if they are actually really nice people Thanks to The Outsiders. I feel like people aren't dramatic enough!  They need to be more creative with how they talk and say things whenever I hear someone say something I come back with a quote or song lyric. I feel as if people allowed it, it could be educational if everyone shared their knowledge. I think I'm rambling now. Or maybe I am just that tired but I think that I made my point I may be a dramatic airhead at times but there is something behind it.

"You need people like me so you can point your Fu**ing finger and say, 'That's the bad guy' So What that make you, good? You're not good you know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie. So say goodnight to the bad guy! Come on, last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on! Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy coming through! Better get out of his way." ~Scarface. (SORRY I just tend to say this a lot especially when people get mad at me speaking the truth it's one of my favorites) Goodnight and sorry for this long ramble post I might delete later lol


  1. Lol, I don't really feel like you were rambling, but if that really was then you should do that more often. I find it very interesting when you just completely tell what's going on in you mind at this moment in time. And yes, I too believe that it would be cool if everyone could share their knowledge in such a way. Actually, I go to Genesee Early College which is a high school inside of a university. I basically get to be an undergraduate in college. Pretty much, I have a very educational environment filled with many interesting people.

    1. I used to go there! Is Mrs Morgan Jones still the principal? My supposed to be graduating class is graduating this year and Thanks I always feel like it's uninteresting lol

  2. Yes! Omg I didn't know! Mrs. Morgan Jones is still the principal. There's only a couple of people that I know that used to go here. They would tell me how there weren't any club or anything that the school has been doing. I'm a sophomore and this year we've created a robotics team and we won 3rd place and rookie all star and also I plan to start an art club. Basically, the students and the student government has to keep the school moving.

    1. Yeah that was a pain. But it's a good opportunity don't let it pass you by. And starting up those clubs will look fabulous on your college applications.
