Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's a.......Baby Update!

BOY!!!!! I'm having a lovely baby boy. I'm so happy. Seeing him yesterday was euphoric. I couldn't even blog or talk to someone normal cause the way I was feeling yesterday was beyond any feeling that I could even muster a word for. Hes getting so big and he's so lovely and I am just already won over and am ready for September so I can meet my little guy. But I don't think I've been happier or felt more fuller and I swear its like overnight this bump has been growing. I just had to let anyone who reads this blog to know I found out and he is a bouncing baby boy and healthy. I'm so in love with this baby its unreal.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Quick Update_ Kinda a baby one

So today at 11 or so I finally find out what the gender of my little baby is!!! I'm so excited I don't think I can contain it. Like everyone keeps saying that I haven't been excited enough but I've been containing it until these last few days. A lot of people are even telling me I'm not even pregnant, HA! That's a good one I really wonder why people say stupid shit like that. It has actually started to kinda bother me like, WHY, why would I lie about that. Why would I be buying things for the baby, why would I post anything If I was really faking. It's ridiculous. Then in the next couple weeks when I blow up into a blimp people are gonna look mighty, mighty stupid. But I've been trying to ignore my anger at ignorance and have been focused on staying happy and positive about this little baby and getting to know what it is. Like my belly is on full flutter mode right now and I should really, really eat some breakfast but instead here I sit fully showered updating this blog. So maybe I should go sustain my life force and get some food, oh and put some clothes on. But soon, soon I will know what my little peanut is.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Almost a Month?!

Where has the time gone? With life getting in the way its almost been a month since I've posted. Luckily I finally have a laptop again and feel like I have a connection to the world again. Well that's beyond the access of a self phone. It is too difficult to blog from a phone even though I'd absolutely love to. But everything's been going good minus some small hiccups but what part of life doesn't have those. I might get to find out the gender of the baby Tuesday so that's exciting and I started back writing just to get my mind off the negative. But hopefully now that I have my computer back it won't be as hard to post because lord knows its a devil of a time to do it on the phone even though I had a couple of times. But that's all for now more another day.