Thursday, June 19, 2014

I'm fine, how are you??

Did I make the week? I think I did or Maybe I missed it? I don't know but I'm updating so Yay. I've had a semi eventful week I guess. So father's day we went to golden corrals, I'm not gonna lie I'm a little disappointed. Maybe if I was a child and had never had super delicious food, or better variety I would've enjoyed it more. But from the advertising I assumed it'd be wayyy better than it was. But decent enough. The highlight though was hanging out with my father and uncle and enjoying their company. But since Sunday I've been at my sisters house and I sadly forgot my laptop at home and am now typing this from my phone which I hate doing! But I needed to just update. So I don't know I'm gonna start just asking how are you guys today/this week. I know Maybe only a few people read this blog but I'm curious I always talk about myself let's try to get some responses Yeah? I mean if not that's cool too just make me look like I'm talking no one when I know you're out there! Lol I'll just sound paranoid. But seriously guys I get bored talkin about myself entrust me with how your lives are going. Enlighten me and I promise I'll care! But that's all for now, just a super quick update. Later guys :).

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where's the Light?? (Story Update)

I need some light for my dark mind. My story I started and posted a chapter of on Wattpad is already kinda dark. Well not dark just flat out messed up. But that's how I have to function. I'd rather start off a story with a fucked up character that has the potential to heal then to destroy a beautiful soul in front of the world and come off cold hearted. I have hope for people and that's why my character starts off in such a twisted fucked up situation. It will all get better though because this story was decided before I even wrote it down. I can't sit here and say that the worlds fucked up so she deserves it but if you think about it everything works out for the best in that situation in the end. Sometimes there are those tragic stories where everyone dies (Hamlet) but not this time! Good shall prevail. I feel hyped up today for some reason even though today I should just be relaxing but I just keep feeling the urge to do something semi-productive with my life. But as for now the story is calling my name. I should add a description here though so if it sounds good then you can head on over to read it. I'm about to go add in a warning though in the beginning so that no one is freaked out or anything. Well I'll update later :)

Description for story:

             Melanie is beautiful, smart, and abused. She is a damaged girl and afraid to let anyone in. She stays silent about her abuse but will that all change when she meets the new mysterious boy at her school. Fresh from winter break rumors are running rampant about the dangerous quiet new kid Marco and Melanie is intrigued but put off by these rumors. Will fate give her no chance but to let this seemingly equally damaged guy into her life or will she stay in her shell and allow her life to continue to be ran by her haunting abuser.

Link to story if you liked the idea or if you wanna tell me how much it sucks there instead of here:

The Horrible Price of Freedom:
The Horrible Price of Freedom Chapter 1

Monday, June 9, 2014

I Suck!

Yeah just like the title says I SUCK! I don't even have the excuse that I've been so busy I just have gotten a little lazy. But I am forcing a new rule on myself where I have to update at least once a week. I will set a reminder and everything. I have to post something even if it's just a picture of a kitten lol. But these past few weeks have been...interesting to say the least. As I type I'm debating if I should throw in this piece of bad news just to get it off my chest...Maybe I'll just put it out there I mean there is a potential good outcome.

So I went to the Cardiologist last Tuesday (June 3) and found out that there is a good chance that I have a condition called tachycardia. I wasn't sure what tachycardia was but I know now that it means that I have a rapid heartbeat that randomly increases from a steady normal rate of 100 bpm (resting rate) to a much higher one randomly. I thought in all honesty that these were just anxiety attacks because about two years ago I was having the same thing but would pass out and I assumed that it was stress. Now fast forward to now it turns out that I may have a heart condition. I'm hoping that it isn't too serious and I have to wear a heart monitor for three weeks after it arrives which should be any day now. My mom scared me by saying that if it's too serious there's a chance that I might not be able to deliver normally when the time cause because with this condition if not treated more carefully can lead to other heart problems and I really would rather avoid the whole heart attack at 19 business.

But that's been the main thing that's been happening with me. I turned 19 Friday btw. So another milestone reached in the world of Shawna Harris. But I felt that I needed to update and get some stuff off of my chest make my life a little lighter. But I promise I'm gonna start whipping myself into shape with this updating stuff lol. Until next time.