Saturday, October 14, 2017

5 night's at work

This is my 5th, yes folks 5th day at work. I don't think I would mind as much if the pay was better and if the work wasn't so hard for the little pay you receive. Nothing like scrounging yourself up from the bottom.But I cant complain right? I feel like that's gonna become my own personal slogan. I'm tired but I'm making it. What the heck do I do? Awesome question, I'm a third shift stocker and a newer associate so it's all the hard work and barely any money in it. It makes me miss my old job just because the checks used to keep me together. I don't have much to say though just sleepy rumblings mixed with some grumpiness of still not understanding these circumstances but I guess I'll keep taking this one step, one day, and one post at a time. And if anyone out there is reading any of these post please give me an opinion on what you would like to know. Go ahead give your question a chance I may have an answer. That's it for now I am about to enjoy this last 10 minutes. Have a blessed night everyone.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Another day another dollar

This post won't be long I'm currently sitting outside enjoying what's left of my break, some nicotine, a monster, and some fresh non work environment air. I'm on break extra late today and I'm seeing the good and bad in it and it's the same answer for both when I get back I'll have about an hour left. The only reason why It sucks tonight is because of call ins along with a huge load of freight. But I can't complain right? Something is most definitely better than nothing right now. I just don't understand how they expect people to make a living with so little money. These are the night's I make the very false jokes of quitting this night job and just become a stripper but the way my morals are set up, accompanied with lack of stripper moves, I just don't see that happening. Work is hard enough to make more than what I'm making right now but minimum wage is a bitch and bills are her mistress together these 2 are stress inducing, soul sucking (Not in the good way),and an energy draining combination. But faith is a powerful thing and I have faith better things are coming. But how many more days of this til then. I guess nothing to it but to stick thorough it and see where it gets me. That's it for now just a little rant before I run back to the time clock. Catch y'all next time.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Reintegration via blogging

So if you ask me what I've been up to since my son was born and i fell off of the face of this blog I'd simply say working. This is the overall sum though. Throughout the years I've fallen in love and found the person I want to keep growing with which is a lovely female who until further notice I will refer to her as wife. Me and my wife have been together for over a year now and I see it only continuing. It hasn't been a perfect pictures but it's been a picture I wouldn't want to throw out. My son is 3 now and growing smarter and smarter by the day. I'm working on getting him in school because I feel like he has so much more he can learn right now but since I live the fabulous life of the struggle I have to work everyday I'm scheduled. No complaints though I feel as if things are on a slow but sure come up. I've had a load ton of retail experience over the years and have lost my way with my true passion which is writing. Don't get me wrong retail is a cool gig and all but most definitely not one I want to stay in forever. I'm only 22 but with all this I've slowly felt as if I'm way older physically and mentally. There's so many stories I could give but in due time if we stick with this. I could go on but I have to remember to not overload in just one post reintegration my friends another slow, steady but sure thing. Catch y'all on the next post.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

How do you start anew?

So if someone anyone stumbles across this blog that's been on unofficial, official hiatus be happy to know that this is a welcome back post made by me for me and you folks out there that enjoy the ramblings of a young woman trying to make it in this world. I'm not going to go on and on about where I've been and what I've been going through but let me tell you it has been a trip. These are all stories for the future for now I'm just glad to say I've got the drive to come back to this blog. In all reality I have tried blogging with other sites and even through this site. But I know I didn't continue with them because not one of them had as strong of an idea behind it as this one. Let me just say as of lately this blogs title resonates more and more with me each day.  I've tried to get ideas from people but I've come to the conclusion that maybe the best ideas that come from within. Well iooI'll be posting soon I hope you guys keep up.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Be a poet

Be a poet they said
Bring your dark words to light
Once I let them escape me
Those words became my life
I began seeing darkness
In every corner it seeped
In every picture sorrow
In every crevice it creeped
Edgar Allen wrote it best
From there I struggle to maintain
That dark forms of poetry
Can sometimes be sane
Blinding and beautiful
Both darkness and light
A never ending dance
In a constant gripping fight
The line between so thin
Makes it easy to relate
You cannot have love
Without the smallest of hate
I see darkness everywhere
But I know there is light
Darkness Is easier to explain
Much more beautiful to write
My lovely words describe pain, Misery, and hate
Lets be honest for a second
To this you can relate
Not all poems can be happy
because life isn't this way
You really can't have happiness
Without a taste of pain

Writer's Block oh Writer's Block

Why do you torture me so. Its been a year since I've made a post and its been just about the same amount of time that I have written ANYTHING decent. I have it bad I need some inspiration like grumpy people need their morning cup of joe. I feel Like im being punished as ridiculous as that sounds. For what, why? Just something anything good to let me know I still got it. I am struggling to gain it back. I used to have an urgency, a need to write that couldnt be quenched or forgotten til I sat down and wrote. Maybe I have had too much drained from me to the point where even writing is sucked from me too. Let's see if I get hit with a bubble of inspiration.

Friday, June 26, 2015

It's been a long time

10 months since I've made a blog post but so,so much had happened. I of course had my little boy, got a job, and have stayed busy like a crazy person. Of course I thought of making post but being busy has consumed me. But now I feel as if I have the perfect balance going on in my life to finally dedicate time once again to my neglected blog. No one's gonna probably read for a while but eventually hopefully I get some type of buzz. Right after I post this im going to revamp the layout of my blog and hopefully make it a little more nice to look at. I think I posted some pictures of my lovely little boy but if not they will be up shortly. Here's to coming back and starting up my personal blog again.