Sunday, March 9, 2014


Depression is so odd! I don't know if this is everyone but for me it's one of the most random things for me. I'll be feeling good for weeks, floating on clouds but then WHAM! I am slammed back down to earth with a feeling of my emotions being punched by Ali and Tyson at the same time. And it drags on and a good majority of the time it's for no reason. I mean sure things are tough, things are tough for almost everyone. I don't have worries but nothing extraordinary. It feels unending, it ends but when I am caught up in it I feel like I'm drowning it, suffocated almost. Like now I've been riding the happy train for a few weeks now but today and starting last night I always feel on the verge of tears. I always go back to this isn't normal, I shouldn't feel this way, why do I have to feel like this. Depression can cause someone to seem selfish. I know that I always feel self-centered or selfish because I feel like my life is just...the worst. I don't even know why I'm writing this...Maybe hoping to see how others feel about it, no worries I'm not considering it just feeling down. Well I guess that's all for now, I'll update later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you it's like there's no winning with it sometimes
