Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Baby Update 1

So today i went to the OBGYN and had the best news I've probably had in a while. Well not best but pretty darn good thing. I got to see the baby! I never thought that would be happy seeing the baby but I was brought to tears.That little peanut was the most active little 11 1/2 week old even my mom and doc said they weren't surprised i'd been feeling light flutters. All in all today was the brightest day that i've had in a while. The only dimming thing to the day was I didnt really have someone else to marvel with yeah my mom was happy but its not the same as if the babies dad was there.I mean it isn't really my fault he felt that he wasnt ready for a serious relationship soon after I found out I was pregnant. Even though him and me dont have the best of relationships I still love this kid to death and would go through hell and back for my baby already. My love for this kid is the one thing i'm sure of. But I just wanted to give a baby update since I had one because I don't get them often and I don't really talk about the normal what everyone usually goes through stuff. Besides thats not what this blog is it's just stating things I experience,and as far as expectations today this was completely unexpected and as I watched my baby dance in my womb and it made me cry woth joy for the first time in my life I wa literally slapped with the scary, joyful, ever present situation I'm in and I loves every second of it.


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  2. I'm 18 and hes still a kid in a lot of ways. He's no longer a part of it so it's whatever I've came to terms with it

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    1. I look young I suppose lol everyone says they think I'm 15 or 16 but I'll be 19 in June
